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Discover ALFAsim v 1.10.0: advanced equipment for complex simulations

Throughout the lifetime of a well, the production engineer can face many  flow assurance challenges varying from hydrodynamic issues to solid depositions. Those issues can lead to production losses and even safety and environmental risks.  Software that can help identify those problems beforehand — and consequently avoid or mitigate them— is indispensable.

Complex well production scenarios can include liquid or wax accumulation in the pipeline, leading to liquids slugs and blockages; leak occurrence due to pipe rupture or intentional flow redistribution from a pipe to another; and when a controller is used to control an specific parameter such as flow rate and valve opening.

To tackle these and more scenarios, we present ALFAsim’s new version, 1.10.0, which includes the advanced equipment Pig, Controller, and Leak. To help provide the best user experience, this new version also includes the output Surge Volume and allows the user to define the Unit System prior to the simulation.

Inside the major highlights of ALFAsim version 1.10.0

  • Advanced Equipment: Pig

One of the most concerning flow assurance issues is liquid accumulation due to condensate deposition and water presence. This liquid buildup can lead to slug flow, and consequently, undesirable system pressure fluctuations and production instabilities. Another important flow assurance issue: wax deposition. If wax deposition is not not addressed, it can result in flow restrictions and even pipeline blockage. One way to mitigate this problem is by pigging the pipeline. ALFAsim now helps engineers to design this procedure by calculating important pigging parameters such as position, total distance traveled, velocity and pressure drop across pig and also its effect in regular parameters such as liquid holdup, and flow rate.

  • Advanced equipment: Controller

Whenever the user needs to control any specific property from a given setpoint, the Controller is the best tool. In this version of ALFAsim, situations such as well production control, in which a controller defines a valve opening so that the well has a user-defined flow rate or separator level control, can be successfully simulated.

  • Advanced equipment: Leak

With this new tool, engineers can simulate   leaks to the external environment,  such as a gas pipeline leak due to rupture, and  internal leaks, such a redistribution of fluid flow to surrounding pipes (eg. fluid being produced in both tubing and annular).  

  • Surge volume

Slug flow or condensate removal by pigging can lead to a sudden surge of liquid that may overflood an under-dimensioned separator. With this new feature, ALFAsim will calculate the surge volume and assist the engineer to design slug catchers for the processing unit, minimizing potential problems in the platform facilities and optimizing production.

  • Unit system

 To provide the best user experience, the new ALFAsim 1.10.0 includes the Unit System Manager, which allows the user to define the unit system as International System of Units or English Units.

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