The latest version of ESSS ALFAsim, the Oil & Gas production and flow assurance simulation software, offers an improved user interface, GenKey import support, more equipment, a steady state module and many more improvements.
The major updates in ALFAsim 1.4 are:
- Parametric Runs: Configuring multiple parametric variable runs has been greatly simplified using a new unified layout
- Separator node added to split phase flow to other nodes, including three types of separator: Horizontal cylinder, vertical cylinder and sphere and support for an arbitrary number of nozzles
- Genkey import was improved and supports more devices and inputs (Mass sources, valves, reservoir inflow, and environment heat transfer properties)
- Steady state mode to initialize boundary conditions is available as an experimental element
- UI improvements
– Status tab changes text and color to reflect the number of errors/warnings
– Visualization mode (proportional or same size) in segments and wall editors and customized axis unit now remain between application executions
– Simulation progress messages now display more intuitive times (“1h:30m”)
– Time plotter refresh frequency has been increased, providing a more smooth plotting experience while the simulation is running
Released in 2019, ALFAsim is a transient multiphase flow simulator for pipelines and wells. ALFAsim provides insight into pipeline design, O&G production and flow assurance.