Pressure-Volume-Temperature (PVT) refers to the analysis of fluids in the O&G industry, as during the development of oil and gas fields, the fluid produced is subjected to several conditions. The system’s pressure and temperature can change drastically. Consequently, phase composition, oil and gas volumes, and fluid properties such as density and viscosity will also vary.
Oil and gas companies need a reliable representation of fluid behavior and transport characteristics, as well as an optimized design of the production system. Understanding how the fluid behaves throughout this process is fundamental.
Production engineers use phase behavior data to design surface facilities and pipelines, to calculate multiphase flow inside the pipes, and to prevent flow assurance issues that might appear. Such calculations are made over a range of temperatures from surface to reservoir conditions.
To provide engineers with more accurate fluid properties, ESSS is developing a Fluid Analysis and Simulation Environment (FASE) software that performs fluid characterization based on Equation of State (EoS) modeling, simulating the phase equilibria of complex hydrocarbon mixtures and obtaining reliable representation of fluid behavior and the fluid’s physical, thermodynamic, and transport properties.
In this webinar, we will introduce our technology and present the workflow showing how FASE generates fluid properties for flow assurance simulators (e.g. ALFAsim).
What you will see on this webinar:
- Introduction about the role of PVT properties for flow assurance simulations
- Overview of RF-DAP/FASE
- Preparation of fluid properties in RF-DAP/FASE for flow assurance simulations
- Demonstration of a case in ALFAsim using the properties previously generated and discussion of the impact of fluid properties for flow simulations